Best Dating App & Site for Serious Relationships

a happy couple dancing in the kitchen

If you’ve achieved a certain level of success in your life — either through academic achievements, hard work, or natural business acumen — congratulations. You’re in one of the most sought-after dating demographics across all age groups. If you’re single, there’s an app that you should know about.

EliteSingles is the preferred dating app among professionals, academics, high income earners and other singles who have these types of preferences about their dating partners. You can find the EliteSingles dating app on the Apple App Store and Google Play for Android devices.

Dating App For Serious Relationships

While EliteSingles does not discriminate against anyone, the app attracts successful and well-educated members who are seeking serious relationships. Here are a few reasons why:

  • Most EliteSingles members are seeking serious relationships with successful and well-educated individuals. Members who do not have these qualities don’t tend to do as well on this app. There are many apps on the market that aren’t as niche as EliteSingles, and they have better luck in those dating pools.
  • EliteSingles is geared toward serious relationships. Do hookups occur on EliteSingles? Naturally. Our members are adults who are capable of making their own decisions about who they want to date and the type of relationship they want to have with those people. However, the dating algorithm connects individuals who are compatible on multiple levels. It just stands to reason that the connections we make will lead to something serious.
  • Our dating environment is highly efficient. If you’ve ever been on a swiping app, you probably spent hours sifting through profiles. Once you had a handful of matches, you started chatting with individuals, only to find you weren’t compatible with most of them. Or you went on a few bad dates. EliteSingles matches members who are highly compatible, and you will receive a curated list. The more you use the app, the better it can refine its results. If you’re a successful individual, you don’t have time to swipe through valueless profiles. Elite Singles will get you to your ultimate goal much faster.

How Elite Singles Works

New members fill out some basic demographic information that tells the system who you are and what you’re looking for. This includes your age, location, gender, preferred gender, dating age range, and your preferred dating distance. This is pretty standard for dating sites. But that’s only the beginning. You will then complete a psychological profile. Take your time and really think about how you want to answer each question. This profile will substantially determine compatibility with other members. The more accurate you are, the better the algorithm will work for you.

You will also be able to enter criteria for your matches. For instance, you may have a strong preference for someone with a good education. (Over 50% of EliteSingles members say that they have at least a bachelor’s degree). Your preferences will help us further refine your results. While you are entering information about yourself and your preferences, you are also providing the algorithm with an overview of what you have to offer other members. It’s just as important that the members we match you with desire your qualities as it is that you approve of theirs.

It takes a few minutes longer to set up an EliteSingles dating profile, but it’s a good investment of time. The ten or so extra minutes you spend will save you hours of swiping on competitor sites.

Signing Up For a Dating Profile

Getting started on EliteSingles is easy. You can either open our site from any browser or sign up on the app. In order to use the app, you will have to become a premium member. However, you can use a Basic account from any web browser, including one on your Apple or Android device.

If you signed up on a browser for a free Basic account, you can upgrade to a Premium account right on the app without re-entering your information. Just download the app from the App Store or Google Play, enter your name and password, and your information will port to the app. Then, you just need to choose a plan.

Navigating the EliteSingles Dating App

Regardless of whether you are on an iOS or Android device, you’ll find navigating the app to be a relaxing and enjoyable experience. The app is laid out with simple, easily understandable menu options. Here are some of the features and functions you will find:

  • Matches, Favorites, and Visitors – On the home screen, you’ll find three tabs at the top. The Matches tab helps you keep track of any members you are paired with. The Favorites tab reminds you of anyone you put in this preferred category. It also tells you whether or not they favor you. Finally, the Visitors tab lets you know who has taken a peek at your account. Maybe you have a secret admirer or someone who wants you to make the first move.
  • Have You Met – Your Premium account not only shows you selected members that might be exactly what you’re seeking, but also boosts your profile in the Have You Met feature to make it easier for members to find you.
  • Chat Box – Enjoy unlimited messaging through a secure, encrypted connection. This helps you keep your personal contact information and social media safe until you’re ready to meet in person.
  • Profile – Here, you can perfect your profile, add more pictures, answer additional questions, change your settings, and more. Let’s consider the idea that you travel for business and would like to look at profiles in both your home location and your business destinations. You can alter your location from the app to switch your search.
  • Curated Matching – Instead of sifting through our entire site, you can review three to seven highly suitable matches on a daily basis. Rather than looking at hundreds of profiles to get one or two possible results, you look at maybe a half dozen profiles with better chances of success.
  • Large Dating Pool – EliteSingles has 4 million U.S. members and 13 million globally. 381,000 new users join our site every month. Additionally, over 85% of U.S. users have an above-average education. These numbers, combined with our proprietary matching algorithm, are a recipe for success.

Safety and Security

The typical EliteSingles member is used to having to protect themselves from scammers. Unfortunately, success makes one a target for bad actors. EliteSingles does its part by making sure that our members and their private information are as safe as possible. Here’s how we protect our members:

  • No Data-Sharing – EliteSingles does not share or sell your data to third parties. Your data is stored in our secure servers for matching and billing purposes only.
  • Encrypted Communications – Data and messages are sent and received via an encrypted connection. Third parties cannot eavesdrop on your transmissions unless they have your password.
  • Closed Environment – Only EliteSingles members can view profiles, and only Premium members can view the entire profile.
  • Verified Profiles – New members and their photographs undergo a review process. This limits the number of fraudulent accounts opened on the app.
  • Security Team – Our internal security team reviews all reports of violations of terms of service. If they are founded, the member can be booted from the platform.

It’s important for members to take responsibility for their own well-being and for the safety of their information. Here are some tips for safe online dating on EliteSingles and other platforms.

Do Not Disclose Personal Information

Do not put identifying information in your dating profile. Members are only required to display their first name. You should not include your contact or social media handles in your narrative. You can use the app’s secure messaging feature to communicate with other members until you’re ready to meet.

Have a Video Pre-Date

Before you meet another member in person, schedule a video call through Zoom, Teams, or another platform. This will ensure that the person in the profile pictures is the same one you’ve been talking with.

Beware Signs of Scammers

Frauds will often try to entice you into “investment opportunities,” which are really just ways to convince you to send them money or provide details of financial information. Another sign of a scammer is someone who tries to quickly move you off of the app to Telegram, WhatsApp, or another app. This is so they can continue working on you without risking their EliteSingles profile being reported.

Meet in a Public Place

First meetings should be in a relatively safe public space, like a coffee shop, restaurant, bar, park, or museum. Do not invite another member to your home without meeting them first.

Use a Safety Person

Tell a trusted family member or friend about your first date plans. Keep them updated if you decide to go to a different location.

By following these steps, you can protect yourself and your personal information.

Making the Perfect Elite Singles Profile

The following advice will help you develop the perfect profile to maximize your dating potential. However, the most important tip is to be genuine. Exaggerating or misleading other members will invariably backfire on you and may result in revocation of your membership. Here are some tips for your enjoyment and success:

Pictures – Lots of Them

Premium members can see all of your pictures. Give them an eyeful. Use recent unfiltered photos that are an accurate representation of how you look. Use a combination of posed and candid shots for maximum effect.

Avoid Negativity

Cynicism isn’t an attractive quality. Emphasize your likes and avoid discussing your dislikes. If something is an absolute dealbreaker for you, be careful about how you phrase it. Think about how much nicer “I prefer someone who takes care of their body” is as opposed to “If you’re out of shape, don’t bother.”

Talk About Yourself

If someone is taking the time to read your profile, they want to know about you. Don’t disappoint them. Give them a little insight as to who you are.

Answer the Questionnaire Accurately

Not only will it help our algorithms, but it will also give other members better insight about what you have to offer. After all, the objective isn’t to maximize your matches; it’s to find a good match for a serious relationship. For that, you need to be accurate.

For more tips on constructing the perfect profile, read this regularly updated page with advice from top relationship experts.

Dating for Successful Individuals

If you’re frustrated with the mediocre performance of other dating apps, we strongly urge you to try EliteSingles. The app has a beautiful, easy-to-use interface and a mobile-friendly design. Registration is free, and we offer 24/7 customer support.

Are you a person who has high expectations and standards? Try EliteSingles today!

About the author: Tyler Lorenzen

See more articles written by Tyler Lorenzen